Guidelines for authors

Guidelines for authors

Standards And Requirements
Layout and format of articles submitted to the journal «Theoretical and Applied Linguistics» published by Amur State University Press

I. Manuscript preparation

General standards and requirements

  1. The content of manuscripts must correspond with the research areas and the scientific level of the Journal; the research must be on urgent issue; the results must be novel and interesting for wide audience.
  2. An author can publish not more than two articles (one of which as a co-author).
  3. To ensure confidentiality, the article file name must include only the word manuscript (e.g. manuscript.docx).
  4. Manuscripts are submitted only online or by email 1) as text files (acceptable formats are rtf, doc, docx, odt), 2) as pdf-file.
  5. The minimal manuscript size in 8 complete pages; no upper limit is set.
  6. The language of manuscripts is either Russian or English.
  7. All manuscripts undergo peer review and plagiarism checking. Manuscripts that received positive reviews are published in the Journal.

Details of layout and format

  1. Times New Roman font (Doulos SIL for transcription), size 14 in the text of a manuscript (size 12 inside tables, graphs and diagrams), single line spacing. Using a different font is possible if the author gives valid reasoning for it and provides the font in a separate file and the Board confirms that there is technical possibility of using it.
  2. Page margins: top 3 cm, bottom 2,5 cm, left 2,5 cm, right 2,5 cm.
  3. Figures, tables (as editable text and not as images) and formulas embedded in the text of the manuscript must be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. No page numbering is needed.
  4. All artwork must meet the Russian Federal Standard (ГОСТ 2.105). Maximal size of figures: 21 cm vertically, 13,5 cm horizontally. Tables and figures must be provided as separate files (format for tables: xls, ods, format for figures: jpg, png, tiff). File names must include artwork name (table, figure/fig) and number (e.g. table1.xls, fig5.tiff).
  5. Please follow the requirements on reference list formatting given in the Russian Federal Standard (ГОСТ 7.0.5-2008). Citations of references in the text are presented in square brackets where author's surname, year of publication and pagination are provided. Examples: [Jones, 1929, p. 10], [American English Pronunciation, 1980, p. 25]. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
  6. No automatic numbering/bullets for any lists (including reference lists) is allowed. Numbering must be performed manually. Non-breaking space is used between the point number and the following text. Examples: 1. The use of ... (non-breaking space – here and further gray highlighting– is applied after the dot), 1) the use of ...(non-breaking space is applied after the round bracket). For making non-breaking space use Ctrl+Shift+Space on the keyboard.
  7. The use of non-breaking space. Please use non-breaking space between the initials of authors and the surname. Example: D. R. Calvert. This helps avoid separating the initials fr om each other and fr om the surname and jumping to another line in the text. The same technique is applied to giving page numbers – p. 25 – and other typical cases (e.g.: 285 Hz, F 1 etc). Please do not begin any line of the text with the dash. Please apply non-breaking space between the previous word and the dash to avoid it.
  8. Please do not use the hyphen (-) instead of the dash (–).
  9. Please use Italics for linguistic examples.
  10. Please employ automatic hyphenation function in the text but not in captions.
  11. Please employ widow control option in the text flow of paragraphs.
  12. Please follow the Russian Federal Standard (ГОСТ 7.11, ГОСТ 7.12) for the use of abbreviations.

Article structure and formatting

  1. Please put full name in bold type, centered
    affilation in bold type, centered
    City, Country in bold type, centered (for articles in Russian this information is duplicated in English and vice versa) ,
    email, centered.
  2. The title of the article should be centered and performed in capital letters in bold type (for articles in Russian the title is duplicated in English and vice versa).
  3. The title is followed by an abstract (for articles in Russian it is duplicated in English and vice versa). The margins of the abstract should be justified, font size 12. The size of the abstract is 100–250 words.
  4. The abstract is followed by keywords (5-7 words separated by commas) (for articles in Russian they are duplicated in English and vice versa). The keywords should be justified, font size 12.
  5. The margins of the manuscript should be justified, font size 14.
  6. Please do not employ automatic numbering in the reference list, perform it manually, justify the margins, font size 12. Please provide the transliteration of references that do not use Latin alphabet. Click here to view the tutorial.

II. Manuscript submission

The preferable way is online submission wh ere you fill the form and attach all the necessary files of appropriate format and appropriately named.

If you make your submission by email, you need to provide author information in a separate file filling in the form:

Author information
Last name


First name

Patronymic (if applicable)

Academic degree (e.g. PhD in Philology)

Academic rank (Prof., Associate/Assistant Prof. etc.)

Affiliation (job place) with the address

Position (e.g. PhD student, Assistant Prof., Head of Department etc)

Phone number


Attach all the necessary files to your letter (manuscript, author info, tables, figures). Make sure that their format and names adhere to the rules stated in points 3–4 of General standards and requirements and point 4 of Details of layout and format.

Please view Paper Template for more detail.

Manuscripts that do not meet the standards and requirements described above will be sent back to authors for correction or rejected.


  1. Authors are not charged any fee for reviewing and publishing articles in our Journal.
  2. Authors are not paid any honorariums.