Publishing Ethics Issues

Publishing Ethics Issues


All parties that participate in publishing the Journal – authors, editors, experts, and the publisher – must conform with ethic laws.

Ethic laws of the Journal are based on the regulations of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the declaration of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP).

In our journal, plagiarism and malpractices are unacceptable.

We do not tolerate plagiarism in any form including:

– literal copying;

– substantial copying;

– paraphrasing.

We reserve the right to check all submissions through appropriate plagiarism checking tools.

Simultaneous (duplicate) submissions are considered unethical.

Simultaneous (duplicate) publications are considered unethical including the ones by:

– paraphrasing;

– translating one’s own published paper into another language without acknowledgment of the original paper.


Acceptance/Rejection decision
The publisher shares the responsibility for the final decision of whether to accept or reject a particular manuscript. The publisher might rely on the policy of the general editor, associate editors and the editorial board (taken together are further referred to as the Board) and act within the norms concerning slander, violation of author's rights, plagiarism and malpractices. The publisher may consult other publishers and experts concerning acceptance/rejection decision.

The publisher evaluates the content of manuscripts regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political affiliation.

No publisher, editor or any other member of the editorial board can disclose the information about submitted manuscripts to 3rd parties. It can only be discussed with manuscript author, reviewer or potential reviewers, the editorial board and the publisher.

Publisher must not use any materials fr om submitted manuscripts to the Publisher benefit.

Ethic laws violation (plagiarism, malpractices), rejection, retraction

If any violations of ethic laws including plagiarism and malpractices are disclosed in submitted manuscripts, such manuscripts will be immediately rejected.

If any violations of ethic laws including plagiarism or malpractices are disclosed in a published article, such article will be retracted.

Retraction procedure:

– The Board informs the author/authors of the article about disclosed violation of ethic laws by email in duly manner;

– The author requests the Board by email to retract the article stating the reason/reasons of retraction;

– A retraction announcement with the reason of retraction is published in the next issue of the journal and on the journal website;

– No removal of the article from the journal archive is made;

– Every page of the pdf-file is stamped with “Retracted” and the date of retraction, the same stamp is put in the Issue Contents;

– The Board informs all databases, wh ere the article was uploaded, about the article retraction and its reason/reasons;

– The Board informs the Database of Retracted Articles under the auspices of the Russian Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers about the article retraction and its reason/reasons.


Every manuscript submitted to the journal «Theoretical and Applied Linguistics» (further referred to as the Journal) is subject to obligatory double-blind peer review process.

Participation in acceptance/rejection decision
The reviewer helps the publisher in taking acceptance/rejection decision on publishing submitted manuscripts. The reviewer can help the author in correcting the article.

Managing deadlines
Any reviewer who does not feel competent enough to review the research described in the manuscript or who does not feel that he or she will have enough time to complete the review is expected to inform the editor about the need for longer reviewing time or decline to review the article.

Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to, or discussed with, others except as authorized by the Board.

Reviewers are to ascertain that no important works published previously have been omitted by the author of the article. Any statement that a certain saying, conclusion or proof has been mentioned in the literature must be supported by corresponding references. The reviewer is expected to pay attention of the publisher to any significant or partial similarity of the reviewed manuscript with a published article or articles that is/are known to the reviewer.

Disclosing information and the conflict of interests
Any information or ideas acquired during peer review process are viewed as confidential and cannot be used to personal advantage of the reviewer. Reviewers should avoid potential conflict of interests that may arise as a result of competition or financial connection; or working in the same department or institute or company as one of the authors; or having any other connection to the author and the article reviewed. A conflict of interest will not necessarily eliminate the reviewer from reviewing an article, but full disclosure of the conflict and its essence to the editor will allow the Board to make a consolidated decision concerning the possibility of the reviewer to review the given article.


An individual having substantially contributed into planning the study, literature analysis, data collection as well as their analysis and interpretation, structuring, drafting and editing the article is considered to be an author/coauthor of a manuscript. It is unethical not to acknowledge the mentioned above contribution of an individual/individuals. It is also unethical to name author an individual who has not made a considerable contribution to the mentioned above stages of manuscript preparation. Other contributors who have provided advice, research space, financial support should be listed in Acknowledgment section.

All co-authors must approve the final version of the article and confirm their agreement for publication.

Research accuracy and honesty
Authors of manuscripts presenting original research are expected to provide its detailed description and give enough grounds to consider the work important. Data that the research is based upon must be clearly presented in the article. The article must contain all the necessary details and references to enable to reproduce the results described in the article.

We do not tolerate research fraud in any form including data fabrication and data falsification. Deliberate inaccuracies are considered unacceptable.

Access to data and data safety
Authors are to provide original data which analysis is described in the article for review. Broad access to such data must be given (in accordance with regulations of the Association of Scientists, Professional Publishers Association — Software transactional memory as a part of database management system) if there is such a practice; the author must be ready to keep those data for certain time after publishing of the article.

Originality and plagiarism
Authors must guarantee that they performed original research and if they used a work/works of other authors it/they must be referred to and cited in the appropriate way.

Multiple, duplicate, concurrent publication/Simultaneous submission
Authors should not publish manuscripts describing the same research in more than one journal or major publication. Authors should not make simultaneous submissions (submit one and the same manuscript to two or more journals). Doing so violates ethic laws and is unacceptable.

Referring to works of other authors must always be present in the article. Author should cite the works that were the most influential for preparing the manuscript.

Disclosing information and the conflict of interests
Any authors must indicate in their articles if there is a financial or any other significant potential conflict of interests that exists and may affect the results of the research or interpreting the article.

Danger for people and animals
If the research involved chemicals, equipment or procedures that present danger when used these should also be identified in the article.

Major errors and misprints in published articles
In case the author finds out a considerable error or inaccuracy in the article, he or she is expected to inform the editor and/or the publisher about this fact in timely manner and ask to remove the article or correct it.