Kozhina N. V., Shuiskaya T. V.
01) Peculiarities in consonants pronunciation in the speech of 3,6 - 3,9 year-old children
02) «Language nest» as a way to solve the problem of preserving the Evenki language in the Amur Region
Kop'iova D. A., Androsova S. V.
03) Classifications of modal particles in modern Chinese
Kravchenko E. V.
06) Phonetic patterns of canonical /ɜː/ in the Selemdzha accent of the Evenki language and their phonological status
Morozova O. N., Androsova S. V., Kravets T. V., Protsukovich E. A.
07) Sociolinguistic situation in the Ivanovskoe settlement, Selemdzha Distict, Amur Region
Protsukovich E. A., Morozova O. N., Androsova S. V., Bulatova N. Ya., Chernogradskaya O. N.
08) Beyond the teaching process: Outlining the problem
Chugaeva T. N., Martens M. A.
10) A person who did not let me fall down
Androsova S. V.