Erofeeva T. I., Chernousova A. S.
01) Word memorization process: Linguistic interpretation (Analysis of two experiments)
02) Somatic phraseological units with a common negative connotation in national languages (Based on French)
Zalavina T. Yu., Antropova L. I., Polyakova L. S., Yuzhakova Yu. V.
04) The biblical proper name «David» in the materials of the electronic journal «Time»
Ma T. Yu., Khlopova T. V.
07) The importance of headlines in image-building of Europe in mass media discourse of the USA and Great Britain
Megrabova E. G., Pinchukova N. V.
08) The prosody of imperative sentences in Evenki and Orochon (Pitch)
Morozova O. N., Androsova S. V., Protsukovich E. A.
09) Linguostylistic means of contextual segmentation of the old English poem “The Seafarer”
Mukhin S. V., Efremova D. A.
10) Lexical-semantic peculiarities of translation of cosmetic product nominations (Based on Yves Rocher French cosmetics site analysis)
Neverova E. A., Pechyonkina V. S., Razduev A. V.
11) English song names: Protest or call for action?
Pleshkov Ye. S., Kharchenko E. V.
14) The expression of author’s intention in historiographical texts
Ryanskaya E. M., Yakovleva A. M.